Module 1: Christian Foundation
Course 100: The Bible ~ Sure Foundation of Christian Faith
Course 101: Understanding God
Course 102: Understanding Jesus Christ
Course 103: The Holy Spirit and humanity
Course 104: The Five Fundamental Glorious Truths
Course 105: The Five Fundamental C’s
(Responses of the Truly Redeemed)
Course 106: The Ultimate Three: Faith, Hope and Charity
Course 107: Grace
Module 2: The Kingdom and the Church
Course 108: The Church
Course 109. Kingdom Oriented Church Growth
Course 110: The Church of His Vision
Course 111: The Kingdom of God
Course 112: The Ascension Office-Gifts
(Five Fold Leadership Gifts)
Course 113: Concerning Spiritual Gifts
Course 114: Leadership in the Household of Faith
Course 115: Authority
Course 116: The Great Commission
Course 117: Ministerial Ethics
Module 3: Kingdom Citizen and Ambassador
Course 118: The Call, Cost and Rewards of Discipleship
Course 119: Discovering and Fulfilling Your Ministry
Course 120: Personal Spiritual Growth and Maturity
Course 121: Market Place Ministry
Course 122: Women in Ministry
Course 123: Rewards of the Faithful
Course 124: Christian Marriage & Family Life
Course 125: Finances and Stewardship in God’s House
Course 126: Introduction to Christian Counseling
Module 4: Dominion Mandate of Man
Course 127: Signs, Wonders and the Miraculous
Course 128: Understanding the Human Nature
Course 129: Critical Adversaries
Course 130: Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Course 131: Dispensations, Seasons and Times
Module 5: Digging Deep
Course 132: Doctrines of the Bible
Course 133: All that Jesus Said and Did
Course 134: Apostasies, Heresies, Errors
& the Pseudo-Gospel
A. The Curriculum
All participants will be encouraged to discipline themselves to receive with meekness the body of knowledge described in this curriculum. It will equip them to be able ministers of the New Testament in whatever area of life God and environment has called them to be.
Basic Courses: The curriculum is divided into basic and advanced courses. The basic courses are foundational Christian doctrines and beliefs, based entirely and completely on the bible. The basic courses are divided into five modules. The five modules are listed below. The advanced courses are not presently included in this prospectus.
B. Format
The Global School of Ministry is essentially a spiritual formation facility. For this reason, the facilitations yearn to be fully sensitive to discern what the Holy Spirit wants to say to God’s people and what He wants to work out in their lives at any particular point in time. Inspiration of the Holy Spirit is thus coveted and He is given right of way to give utterance for preaching or teaching according to the mind of God. The Holy Spirit is not restricted therefore in any way, including going beyond what is stated in this curriculum. In spite of the structured courses, the Holy Spirit may turn any session of the Global School of Ministry into a worship session; a prophetic service or an exhortation.
In the same vein, participants are exhorted to diligently participate in all field exercises, receive ministry from visiting faculty and other ministers from across the world or our own in house resource persons. Participants are encouraged to diligently participate in activities of the International Ministers Fellowship , including the once a month School of Ministry as well as various conferences organized by kingdom minded ministries and churches.
Participants are encouraged to enrol at duly accredited institutions to study such courses as Christian counselling which will equip them to minister intimately to people t a personal level. We are in discussion with the London College of Theology for this purpose.
C. List of recommended texts
1. The main text book is the Holy Bible. During the period of the program, each participant is encouraged to cover the entire text from Genesis to Revelation. However, there is in-depth analysis of the entire New Testament, including textual comparison of the gospels to gaining a wider understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The Thompson Chain Reference (Kings James Version) and the Life Application Study Bible (New Living Translation) are especially recommended.
2. Detailed Course Materials and Teaching Notes by the global faculty.
3. Depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit and providential circumstances, various books will be recommended for each course to enable participants gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Participants are encouraged to read widely for their own enhanced understanding.
D. Global Faculty
The inspiration of the Holy Spirit is to bring to bear on participants, the varied insights and anointing of some ministers operating in the various fivefold office gifts. These brethren are located in various parts of the world but share an abiding passion for the full manifestation of the true remnant Church in our generation. All these ministers have a proven track record of watching over their lives and those of the saints of God committed to their trust and have achieved considerable success in their primary assignments.
E. Practical exercises.
1. The School of Ministry is based on the charge in Ephesians 4:11-16. Therefore, the facilitators are under a divine impulsion to bring in other ministers to impart the grace of God on their lives into the students who will receive the varied ministries of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, including helps and administration from different nations of the world, in order to be fully equipped for the work of the ministry and to gain deeper understanding of God and His set time for the Church.
2. Practical training exercises include participation in the monthly Global School of Ministry meetings and activities.
3. All participants are to demonstrate deliverance from the spirit of denominationalism by working in teams with brethren from various local assemblies on issues and projects that create and sustain platforms of Church unity, according to 1 Corinthians 1:10.
4. Participants are best placed to monitor their own spiritual progress. They know if, for instance, their hearts are getting tender; if they are more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit; if their consciences are livelier and if doing what is right by loving righteousness and hating iniquity has taken root in their hearts. They will be able to indicate what kinds of fruit they bear without struggle - of the Spirit or of the Flesh according to Galatians 5: 13-26.
5. The program facilitators will guide participants through a reliable personal ministry gifts audit to determine how the Lord wired them spiritually to function on earth. Knowledge of this truth makes life easy and gracious as they seek to be who the Lord wants them to be, doing what He assigned rather than imitate other people. Participants are thus able to locate their spiritual gifts from Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:1-30; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Peter 4:8–11 and other scriptures. They will also be able to know their calling and office, in the five fold or in market place ministry.
F. Project Papers
There will be a recommended list of projects for participants to write on that are directly related to their calling and relevant to success in ministry. This is not to be an academic exercise but a deeply spiritual program which will enable them to reflect on God’s purpose for creating and redeeming them and the process to achieve same. Participants will be assisted to complete this project by mentors assigned for this purpose. As this is not an academic exercise, projects will be scanned to understand the spiritual depth revealed in the words expressed by the students rather than their lexis and structure.
G. Fees
This program is entirely tuition free. However, we request that participants share their experience with at least one more person. This is a 2 Timothy:2:2 project. By offering the training free, we are simply obeying the Lord who commissioned us to train, equip, activate and release an elect company of co-labourers in the vineyard who He will use to catalyze Reformation of His Church; Restoration of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and gifts of the Holy Spirit and personal Revival wherein God’s people prove their passionate love by obedience from the heart.
H. The Heart of the Matter
This is not an academic institution awarding certificates or diplomas for those seeking upward social or academic mobility. It is rather a Christian discipleship training facility for producing quality co-labourers with Christ in the Vineyard; people who yearn to be wholly sanctified, consecrated to God and committed to His Now agenda for the Church and humanity.
Whether you are called to Market Place Ministry( as a Christian Professional, Business person, Civil Servant, Public Servant) or into Five Fold (Pulpit) Ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor or Teacher), you need to be equipped to succeed. There is no one redeemed to sit on the pew - 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, John 15:16; 1 Peter2:9. A key phrase the Lord put in our hearts is this: “God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called”. The Global School of Ministry is a prime facility in this process. Accordingly, participants should be open to receive correction, rebuke and discipline, as the Lord will lead facilitators.
I. Outcome
On successful completion of the program, participants should become transformed disciples of Jesus Christ who will be connected with His other remnants to prepare the earth for His imminent second coming.
Those who are previously ordained but have not been productive and desire to be re-consecrated will be obliged. For those already pastoring a church or leading a ministry, we will share with them some of the specific revelations the Lord has given on how to bring in the harvest. We also commit to help all participants to succeed in ministry.
The most critical outcome however is that participants will be equipped to know God on a more intimate, experiential level; understand and yield to the core call for which He created and redeemed them. They will be enabled to appropriate the fullness of His grace to labour fruitfully as well as receive the training in prayer and spiritual warfare which is necessary to overcome the devil and all odds to finish their assignment on earth.
J. Duration
Under normal circumstances, the program should be completed within twelve months. This is possible in an intensive package of at least 5 impartation and teaching contact hours per week. Those who can only spare 3 hours a week will complete their program in about eighteen months.
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Meeting Times
11.30am to 1.30pm
Other meeting days to be announced.
In the meantime,
dial 03309981256 access code: 213916 For
Bible studies Wednesdays
9.00pm to 10.00pm
Prayer meeting
9.00pm to 10.00pm